Food Day
There are many "food days" around the world, as well as days devoted to a particular food item such as Taco Day (October 4 in the United States) and National Chocolate Day (October 28 in the United States). Here is a list of food days around the world, organized by country. Here is a list of specific foods and their special days in the United States.
Food Day in the United States is October 24. tells us why this day is so important.
"The typical American diet is contributing to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. Those problems cost Americans more than $150 billion per year. Plus, a meat-heavy diet takes a terrible toll on the environment. "Eating Real can save your own health and put our food system on a more humane, sustainable path. With America’s resources, there’s no excuse for hunger, low wages for food and farm workers, or inhumane conditions for farm animals." Go to for an abundance of resources, then be sure to view the three videos below! |