frog resources
recommended internet search terms

- Frogs in Children's Literature
- Frogs in Literature
- Frogs in Folk Tales, Fairy Tales and Mythology
- Frogs and Symbolism in Literature
- Ancient beliefs about frogs - Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Indochina, South America
- Frogs in Popular Culture
- Frogs in Confectionery - Crunchy Frog, a fictitious confectionery from a Monty Python skit of the same name., Freddo Frog, a popular Australian chocolate, Frog cake, a Heritage Listed South Australian Fondant Dessert, Chocolate Frogs are a popular sweet in the Harry Potter universe. Peppermint toads are also mentioned in one of the books,. The popular cereal Sugar Smacks has a frog as its mascot.
- Ethnoherpetology - the study of the past and present interrelationships between human cultures and reptiles and amphibians. It is a sub-field of ethnozoology, which in turn is a sub-field of ethnobiology.
- Frogs and the Nobel Prize - a number of Nobel Prizes have been awarded to scientists conducting research with frogs.
- Frogs and Environmental Studies, and Frogs and Ecosystems
- Frogs and medical research

Save the Frogs - many excellent resources.
Discovery Education has resources for Elementary, Middle and High School for Save the Frog projects.
The Vanishing Frog - 9th-12th grade unit.
The Amphibian Project - Help a Frog - excellent lesson ideas.
David Suzuki Foundation this link is to a page about frogs, but the entire web site has numerous, excellent resources related to the environment.
The Center for Ecoliteracy
The Child and Nature Network
Natural Teachers
Richard Louv - author of a must read for every educator and parent, Last Child in the Woods.
Discovery Education has resources for Elementary, Middle and High School for Save the Frog projects.
The Vanishing Frog - 9th-12th grade unit.
The Amphibian Project - Help a Frog - excellent lesson ideas.
David Suzuki Foundation this link is to a page about frogs, but the entire web site has numerous, excellent resources related to the environment.
The Center for Ecoliteracy
The Child and Nature Network
Natural Teachers
Richard Louv - author of a must read for every educator and parent, Last Child in the Woods.
Saving the Frogs
We added this just for fun! It is a scene from the film, ET.
In this scene Elliott saves the frogs! Your students will enjoy it - so will you! |
Frogs Matter, Jump In!
Find out why this planet is about to experience the greatest mass extinction of a species since the dinosaurs. Learn why we need to take action, and find out what action we can take! |
For celebrated frog hops, scientists look to Calaveras.
Click the image to the right to go to the article and video from the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology professors at Brown University. Find out what they did after learning about Rosie the Ribiter, a frog who jumped over 21 feet in 1986 and still holds the record. Recommended book Rosie the Ribeter : the Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavveras County |