Projects, Lesson Plans & Activities
1. A traditional or a modern celebration such as a Halloween Festival
2. Art, Film and/or Music Festival
3. Cookbook and DVD with cooking shows featuring foods from celebrations of these holidays. Foods associated with Halloween:
- Barmbrack (Ireland)
- Bonfire toffee (Britain)
- Candy apples
- Candy corn (North America)
- Caramel apples
- Caramel corn
- Colcannon (Ireland)
- Pumpkin, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread
- Roasted pumpkin seeds
- Roasted sweet corn
- Soul cakes
- Novelty candy shaped like skulls, pumpkins, bats, worms, etc.
5. Haunted House
6. Day of the Dead sugar skulls on altars
7. Halloween Parade
8. Monster Dinner Theatre - have students design and deliver an actual dinner theatre experience. They would have to research everything from "dinner theatres" to health department laws on serving and selling food, to drama, budgets, advertising and marketing, and more. Get the community involved by asking for assistance with printing bills to advertise, and consultants such as chefs, radio and television stations, local university drama, theatre, RTF (Radio, Television and Film) departments, and more.
9. Mock Trial of Victor Frankenstein - use a real courtroom and judge if you can!
10. Zombie Preparedness 101
Music and Sounds
Halloween Music and Sound Effects - more to be added. Please send your recommendations!
Halloween and Day of the Dead Resources
Day of the Dead
Excellent miscellaneous resources!
- US Census Bureau - interesting facts about Halloween
- LitQuotes - This literary reference site features quotations from the great works of literature. You can search for quotations in a number of different ways.
- Scary Story Starters
- SEDL - SCIMAST Classroom Compass - Cooperative Learning
- Halloween Links
- Halloween History - Horror - Special Effects
- The History of Halloween
- Teach-nology - Halloween - more lesson plans and activities
- Halloween lesson plans, thematic units, printable worksheets and coloring pages, games, other
- Perfect Entertaining - Halloween Edition - appetizers to desserts, and everything in between!
- Halloween stuff
- Halloween Horrors - Halloween and other free e-cards,
- Halloween - activities for classes - thank you to Kelly Buckley for telling us about this great resource!